This page (revision-2) was last changed on 04-Jun-2014 14:54 by Dieter Käppel

This page was created on 04-Jun-2014 14:54 by Dieter Käppel

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
2 04-Jun-2014 14:54 629 bytes Dieter Käppel to previous
1 04-Jun-2014 14:54 507 bytes Dieter Käppel to last

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Version management

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At line 3 changed 2 lines
You are allowed to use the binaries in private projects as long as you leave the copyright intact and do not remove this notice. If you want to use the code in commercial applications please ask us for permission and conditions.
You are allowed to copy, distribute and use the binaries in private projects as long as you leave the copyright intact and do not remove this notice. If you want to use the code in commercial applications please ask us for permission and conditions.
At line 7 added 2 lines
[Intersult general terms and conditions|] apply.